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June 7, 2024Indy DPW seeking public feedback on upcoming Downtown two-way street conversion projectsProjects funded through U.S. DOT RAISE grantINDIANAPOLIS – The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW) is seeking the public’s feedback on eight different two-way street conversions across the Downtown area. Funding for these projects comes in large part from a $25 million Rebuilding America's Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
“These conversions are a significant investment into making our neighborhood street infrastructure safer for everyone,” said Indy DPW Director Brandon Herget. “Our engineers are very early into the design process, so now is the right time for our community to provide input that will influence the designs of these projects, and ultimately, the future of their neighborhood streets.”
Public meetings for design feedback and review will be held at later dates, but residents are encouraged to submit commentary now to help guide design from the earliest stages. Residents can provide comments on the future conversions
via the link here .
Two-way conversion projects are critical to re-establishing a sense of place in neighborhoods that have been divided by busy one-way thoroughfares. These conversions have been
found by the Federal Highway Administration to calm traffic and improve safety for all road users, boost connectivity, spur new development, and enhance quality of life.
“I commend Indy DPW engineers for bringing the voice of the people into the design process this early,” said City-County Council President Vop Osili. “Now is the time to start speaking up about exactly how you’d like your neighborhood streets to look in the near future.”
These improvements will make residents safer, spur economic development in the community, and improve quality of life. In addition to the directional traffic changes, the projects will deliver street resurfacing, intersection improvements and pedestrian safety improvements.
Two-way conversions will take place on:
- Capitol Avenue from 21st to 38th streets
- Illinois Street from 21st to 38th streets
- Pennsylvania Street from I-65N to Fall Creek Parkway S Drive
- Delaware Street from I-65N to Fall Creek Parkway S Drive
- Alabama Street from Washington Street to Michigan Street
- New Jersey Street from Washington Street to Michigan Street
- East Street from Washington Street to 10th Street
- College Avenue from Virginia Avenue to Market StreetThe RAISE grant will be matched by more than $20 million in local funds for a total project cost of $46.5 million. Indy DPW anticipates construction will begin in 2027.
DPW Public Information Office
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Dept. of Public Works
200 E. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204, USA
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